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BEAUTY COLUMN is now available

BEAUTY COLUMN The key is the power of your own eyelashes! What's the Trend in "Dandelion Lashes"? has been published. >>Go to the article

Our brand has been registered with @cosme.

FILLAGE has been registered as a brand on @cosme, one of the largest cosmetics review sites in Japan. Please click here.

BEAUTY COLUMN is now available

COLONNE DE BEAUTÉ Un nouveau sérum pour les cils qui réveille le pouvoir des cils dormants. Un tout nouveau sérum pour les cils qui réveille le pouvoir des cils dormants. a été publié. >>V...

The brand website is now open to the public.

The brand website for fillage Eyalash Serum is now available. Please sign up for our newsletter or official LINE account to be notified of the start of pre-order sales. *The general release ...